You Are A Child Of God.
What does God mean to you?
You’ve heard God go by many names, such as the Divine, the Creatrix, the Universe, etc. The list goes on and on! Yesterday, I had a powerful experience during a 3-hour meditation ceremony that changed my entire perspective.
I’ve done a lot of work and dedicated a lot of time going through my own Spiritual Journey and I have never met God the way I met the energy yesterday. I say God because although I used to list out the many, many names, I realize now that it was because of a disconnect I had between me and this divine being.
During this meditation, I explored something that has stuck with me for a long time. As an orphan who lost her parents at a young age, I never felt like anyone’s daughter…because I wasn’t.
Can you imagine how I felt when I heard God speak to me and say, “You are my daughter. You are the daughter of God.”?
It finally clicked for me. I’ve heard the songs and I’ve heard the prayers but only now do I understand what it means to be the daughter of God. I belong here. You belong here, no matter where you go or what you do.
Next time you are feeling down on yourself, not treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated, remember that you are the child of YOUR God that goes by the name you identify with. We are in the time of the Great Turnover and you were CHOSEN to be here during this magnificent period.
If this resonates with you, don’t hesitate to reach out! I would love to hear from you.
Many blessings,
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